Vanessa Boanada

PhD Candidate Visiting Doctoral Researcher (01/11/2010- 30/04/2011)
132 1202 Geneva, Switzerland
Office hours
Academic Career
11/2010 - 4/2011 |, Freie Universität Berlin, Short Term Doctoral Researcher |
2009 - 2013 | Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva. PhD Candidate in Development Studies |
2006 - 2009 | Rio de Janeiro International Relations Institute,Master in International Relations |
2007 | American University, Washington College of Law, Washington DC, visiting researcher, Academy of Human Rights |
2004 - 2005 | Institute D’Études Polititzes de Paris, Sciences Po Paris Academic Exchange Program |
2000 - 2005 | Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro Law School, Bachelor of Laws (LL.B), with a mention International Relations |
Teaching Experience
Since December 2008 | Legal Cultures Review, Assistant-Editor |
2008 - 2009 | Observatório Político sul Americano (OPSA/IUPERJ), Rio de Janeiro, Researcher |
2008 - 2009 | Fundacao Getúlio Vargas, Rio de Janeiro Law School, Teaching Assistant: Sociology of Legal Institutions |
2008 | Pontifícia Universidade Católcia do Rio de Janeiro, Law School, Substitute Professor, International Public Law II, International Relations Law |
2007 | ADA – Amricans for Demorcratic Action, Washington DC Volunteer Researcher: Development, human rights, renewable energies |
2006 | NGO Consciencia Cidada (Citizens’ Awareness Pproject), Rio de Janeiro General Secretary and tutor for Human Rights’ workshops |
2005 | Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro Teaching Assistant |
(De) Colonizing Development: Geographic and Epistemological Frontiers in the Encounter of Mega-development Projects and Indigenous Rights in the Amazon
My research project is designed to study the contentious ways in which indigenous rights and development projects meet in the Amazon through the geographical and socio-economic re-articulation enacted by the Initiative for the Integration of the Infrastructure of South America (IIRSA). The intersections between the discourses and practices of rights and development will be analyzed (under the perspective of the coloniality/decoloniality program) as evidences on the one hand of the colonial matrix of power that have been preventing indigenous peoples from participating in national and regional decision making processes concerning development planning and implementation; and on the other hand as elements that are also enacted by them from their particular epistemic position aiming at proceeding to the enlargement and fully realization of the capacity of emancipation promised by the discourses of rights and development.
Journal Articles:
(2009) Boanada, V.C. Consulta Prévia: Um choque entre culturas jurídicas na América do Sul (Previous consultation: a Clash between legal cultures in South America). Observador on-line, v. 4, n. 9, Sept. 2009.
(2008) Boanada, V.C Unir ou Dividir para Governar? Um olhar crítico sobre as reformas constitucionais do Estado em relação às comunidades indígenas – o caso do Equador. (title: Unify or Divide to Govern? A critical overview on the constitutional reforms and indigenous rights: the case of Ecuador). Observador on-line, v.3, n. 10/ Oct.2008.
(2008) Boanada, V.C. Soberania versus Direitos Humanos: infinitos rounds (title: Sovereignty versus Human Rights: infinite rounds), in Agência Ibase, Nov. 2008.
(2007) Boanada, V.C. O Direito Humano aos Desenvolvimentos (The Human Right to Development). Inter-American Development Bank Connexio electronic review 5ed., Washington DC, April 2007.
(2010) Boanada, V. C. Social Structures and Indigenous Identities: How would Systems' Theory explain indigenous legal strategies? International Studies Association - Annual Convention 2010
(2009) Boanada, V. C. Limitações Estruturais e Instabilidade Política – desafios à integração regional do Equador (title: Structural Limitations and Political instability – challenges to the regional integration of Ecuador), co-authored with Andre L. Coelho. Joint Convention ISA-ABRI.
(2009) Boanada, V. C. Choques entre Culturas Jurídicas na América Latina: soluções globais? (title: Clashes between legal cultures in Latin America: global solutions?). Joint Convention ISA-ABRI.
(2007) Boanada, V. C. Litígio internacional estratégico na área de direitos econômicos, sociais e culturais: O caso do Povo Ogoni (title: Strategic International Litigation on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: the Ogoni People’s case); I Simpósio Santiago Dantas, UNESP, São Paulo, November, 2007.