Renata Motta

Freie Universität Berlin
PhD Candidate Former Doctoral Researcher (01/05/2011 - 31/03/2014)
14195 Berlin, Germany
Academic Career
since 05/2011 | Doctoral Researcher, Berlin, Germany |
10/2009 - 04/2011 | Doctoral Candidate, Institut for Latin American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany |
03/2007 - 12/2008 | Master in Social Sciences, CEPPAC, University of Brasília, Brazil |
03/2006 - 03/2007 | Post grade in International Health, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil |
02/1999 - 06/2004 | BA in International Relations, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil |
Shaping Discourse and Policy for Genetically Modified Food: Risk for Whom?
This research compares the processes of adoption of agrobiotechnology in Argentina and Brazil. Transgenic seeds arrived in the Conosur of Latin American soon after their adoption in the USA. Today, Argentina and Brazil, together with the pioneer and leader, USA, form the top three world producers of GM crops. However, while Argentina unambiguously embraced agricultural biotechnology in a progressive way, the story in Brazil is far from linear. To the contrary, it started illegally by smuggling seeds form Argentina and entailed a long struggle between proponents and opponents of transgenic seeds, which extended for about ten years. The last years have acknowledged a governmental policy clearly favourable to genetically modified seeds. Political mobilization against the technology has decreased but is enduring, both in the center of the political system and in civil society. In order to be able to compare across such different cases and explain which factors played a role either for the emergence of contention or for its silence, this study resorts to a theory of the public sphere. Since the majority of political activities are undertaken in a routine modus, the interesting question is to ask why some topics are brought to the centre of attention of the political system and others not.
Book Chapters
2013. "Risky Politics: A Sociological Analysis of the WTO Panel on Biotechnological Products". In Balancing between Trade and Risk: Integrating legal and social science perspectives, ed. Marjolein B.A. van Asselt, Esther Versluis, and Ellen Vos, 59–80. 1st ed. London and New York: Routledge.
Sobral, F., Motta, R. 2009. O risco dos OGMs: um conflito entre os campos político, científico e economico. In: Ana Maria Fernandes e Sonia Raninscheski. (Org.). Américas Compartilhadas. São Paulo: Francis, v. , p. 197-219.
Journal Articles
2009. “Sociologia de risco: globalizando a modernização reflexiva”. Sociologias (UFRGS), 22, 384-396. Available at:
2009. “Ciências sociais na América Latina: privilégio epistemológico, estilo original”, Revista Debates (UFRGS), 3, 9-26. Available at:
2008. "Biopolítica e Neoliberalismo: A vigilância sanitária no limite da utilidade para o comércio internacional". Revista de Direito Sanitário, 9, 9-32.
2007. "A ruptura constante com a natureza nas Ciências Sociais". Série CEPPAC, 10, 41-53.
2004. "Educação e integração regional: o programa Erasmus". Fronteira (PUCMG), Belo Horizonte, 3 (6), 49-66.
2001. MOTTA, R. C; LAMAS, B. G. ; Ribeiro, D. M. F. ; Salles, P. B. "Tema da infância, regimes e governança global". Fronteira (PUCMG), Belo Horizonte, 1 (1), 15-35.
Papers in Conference Books
2011. "O debate público sobre alimentos transgênicos na mídia: enquadrando os riscos". Anais do 35º Encontro Anual da Anpocs, Caxambu/MG. ISSN 2177-3092. Working Group 21: Mídia, representação e agenda política. Available at:
2010. "Risco e modernidade: uma nova teoria social?" Anais do 34º Encontro Anual da Anpocs, Caxambu. ISSN 2177-3092. Issue Seminar 22: O Pluralismo na Teoria Contemporânea. Available at
Abstracts in Conference Books
"Are GM crops a risk issue?" ESA Research Network on Risk and Uncertainty Mid-Term Conference. Amsterdam, 23-25 January 2013.
“Framing risk: contention or legitimation?” II International Sociological Association (ISA) Forum of Sociology. Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1-4 August 2012.
“Inequalities and risk: Public debates about GMOs in Argentina, Brazil and Mexico”. II International Sociological Association (ISA) Forum of Sociology. Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1-4 August 2012.
"Risk as a discursive strategy in the conflict over GM food: conceptual and methodological issues". In: ESA 10th Conference: Social Relations in Turbulent Times, Geneva, Switzerland, 7-10 September 2011. Abstract Book. ISBN 2-940386-18-8978-2-940386-18-5. pp- 476-477.
"The conflict over the genetically modified food policy: who can contest the risks?" In: ESA 10th Conference: Social Relations in Turbulent Times, Geneva, Switzerland, 7-10 September 2011. Abstract Book. ISBN 2-940386-18-8978-2-940386-18-5. p. 549
Co-Editor SoRU News. E-newsletter of the ISA/ESA Research Network on Risk and Uncertainty. ISSN 2035-5391 (SoRU News Print) and ISSN 2035-5405 (SoRU News Online)
MOTTA, R. Risk as a discursive strategy in the conflict over GM food: conceptual and methodological issues. In: European Sociological Association Conference 2011, Geneva, Switzerland, 7-10 September 2011. (Approved abstract).
MOTTA, R. The conflict over the genetically modified food policy: who can contest the risks? In: European Sociological Association Conference 2011, Geneva, Switzerland, 7-10 September 2011. (Approved abstract).
MOTTA, R. „Different logics, different timing: the struggles between politics, economy and science in the risk regulation of GMOs“. The European Association for the Study of Science and Technology EASST 2010 Conference in Trento, Italy 02-04 September 2010. Approved abstract.
MOTTA, R. The commercial controversy on the risk of agricultural biotechnology: an analysis of the WTO panel on biotechnological products. In: 9th IAS-STS Annual Conference: Critical Issues in Science and Technology Studies in Graz, Austria, 3-4. May 2010.
MOTTA, R. Disputes between politics, economics and science over the risk of GMOs: an analysis of the WTO panel on biotechnological products. In: Conference and Young Researchers Workshop on European Integration between trade and non trade. Maastricht University. Faculty of Law and Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Maastrich, Holland, 14-16 April 2010.
MOTTA, R. The risk in the boundaries between politics, economy and science: the controversy over GMOs. In: V. Session of the ISSC/UNESCO International Summer School Comparative Research in the Social Sciences and Social Policy in Sofia, Bulgaria 03 –09 September 2009.