Martina Sproll

Freie Universität Berlin Postdoctoral Researcher (01/05/2011 - 30/09/2013)
14195 Berlin, Germany
Academic Career
Since 7/2011 |
Postdoctoral Researcher at |
2008-2011 |
Research fellow at the Institute of Sociology, Philipps University Marburg, Germany |
2002-2009 |
PhD from Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany (summa cum laude): High-Tech für Niedriglohn: Neotayloristische Produktionsregimes in der IT-Industrie in Brasilien und Mexiko (High-tech for low wages: Neotaylorist production regimes in the IT-Industry in Brazil and Mexico). |
2001-2006 |
Research stays in Hungary, Romania, Brazil, Mexico |
2000-2008 |
Research fellow at the Frankfurt Institute of Social Research (Institut für Sozialforschung), Germany |
1993-2000 |
Study of Sociology (Economics, Political Science, Cultural Anthropology) at Goethe University Frankfurt/M., Germany, Diploma in Sociology |
Transnational Regulation of Labor Markets and the Emergence of New Lines of Social Inequality: Processes of Social Mobility of Women in the Banking Sector
The regulation of Latin-American labor markets has changed fundamentally in the wake of increasing transnational entanglements. Hereby new lines of social inequality are emerging which are related to the interdependent categories of gender, class and race. In contrast to the industrial sector, little is known about changes in the service sector and the impact on gendered lines of inequality. In the proposed research project I intend to examine these changes in the banking sector in Brazil and Mexico as an advanced example of a transnationally integrated and highly privatized branch. The implementation of new technologies, new forms of company organization and labor processes have changed qualification requirements and the profile of the work force. I will analyze changes in the social (gender) mobility of labor markets in the banking sector, where almost half of the work force are women with a high degree of qualification. Do the depicted changes have an impact on the upward respectively downward mobility of women? Can we observe the reproduction of traditional lines of gendered inequalities (between men and women) or new forms of hierarchies and segregation between women? The analytical framework for the examination of (gendered) lines of inequalities in transnational labor markets will be based on the approach of “intersectionality” which allows linking the categories of class, gender and race with transnational entanglements. Even if the focus point lies on the category gender, this concept permits to analyze genderized inequalities in the context of multiple interdependencies.
“Contract Manufacturing. Transnationale Produktion und Industriearbeit in der IT-Industrie”, Frankfurt a.M./New York: Campus (with Boy Lüthje/ Wilhelm Schumm), 2002"
„Von Silicon Valley nach Shenzhen. Globale Produktion und Arbeit in der IT-Industrie“, Hamburg: VSA (with Hürtgen/Lüthje/Schumm), 2009
„High-Tech für Niedriglohn: Neotayloristische Produktionsregimes in der IT-Industrie in Brasilien und Mexiko“, Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot, 2010
„From Silicon Valley to Shenzhen.Global Production and Work in the IT-Industry”, Lanham MD.: Rowman & Littlefield (with Lüthje/Hürtgen/Pawlicki) 2011 (forthcoming)
„Symbolische Gewalt und Leistungsregime. Geschlechterungleichheit in der betrieblichen Arbeitspolitik“, Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot (with Maria Funder), 2012 (forthcoming)
Journal Articles and Contributions in Editions
„Produktion als Dienstleistung: Kontraktfertigung in der IT-Industrie als gewerkschaftspolitische Herausforderungen“ (gemeinsam mit Boy Lüthje). Das Argument, Heft 5/6 2002, Nr. 248, pp. 739-750, 2002
„Las redes trasnacionales de producción. América Latina, Asia y Europa del Este en la manufactura por contrato en la industria electrónica“. Memoria, Revista Mensual de Política y Cultura, No. 177, Noviembre de 2003, pp.19-26, 2003
”Electronics Contract Manufacturing: Networks of Transnational Mass Production in Eastern Europe“ (with Boy Lüthje). In: Faust, Michael; Voskamp, Ulrich; Wittke, Volker (eds.), 2004: European Industrial Restructuring in a Global Economy. Fragmentations and Relocations of Value Chains. SOFI Berichte, SOFI, Göttingen, 2004
„Unternehmensverantwortung“, in: ABC der Globalisierung. Herausgegeben vom Wissenschaftlichen Beirat von attac, Hamburg: VS, 2005.
„Familienpolitik statt Gleichstellung? Zur Aktualität betrieblicher Arbeits- und Geschlechterpolitik“ Workshop at the Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-University, Frankfurt, 12/2010
„Transnationale Produktion als gewerkschaftliche Herausforderung. Das Beispiel Kontraktfertigung in der IT-Industrie“, Faculty of Political Science,University of Vienna, Austria, Seminar „Globale Arbeitsverhältnisse – gewerkschaftliche Perspektiven“, 11/2010
„Familienpolitik statt Gleichstellung? Arbeits- und Geschlechterpolitik in der Pharma- und Biotechindustrie“, Network of female managers in the Life-Science-Industry, Dechema, Frankfurt, 10/2010
“High-tech für Niedriglohn”, Faculty of Social Science, University of Frankfurt, 01/2010
„Verhaltenskodex in der Elektronikindustrie – transnationale Organisierung als Ausweg?“, Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund Frankfurt 06/2009„Contract Manufacturing - Produktion und Beschäftigung in der IT- Industrie“, Institute of Labour Science, University of Kassel, 5/2006
“From Contract Manufacturing to Original Design Manufacturing: Tendencies of restructuring in the worldwide electronics industry: Implications for work organisation and employment“, International Round Table for labour conditions in the worldwide Electronics Industry, Guadalajara, Mexico, 04/2005
Lecturer at the Summer Academy (The shaping of the world economy), University of Kassel: “Contract Manufacturing - Production and Employment in the worldwide Electronics Industry, 09/2004;
„Global Production Networks in the IT-Industry. The Case of “Contract Manufacturing” , 09/2005
„Impacto socioeconômico da globalização na Alemanha“, Faculdade de Economia, CIESAS, Manaus, Brasil, 03/2004
“Contract Manufacturing” en la Industria Electrónica: Nuevos Modelos de Producción y Division Internacional del Trabajo en el Este de Europa, Asia y América Latina”, 4. Congreso Nacional de la Asociación Mexicana de Estudios del Trabajo (AMET), Hermosillo, México, 9.-11. 04.2003
„A nova divisão do trabalho na indústria eletrônica – um desafio para os sindicatos no Brasil?” Lectures at several metal workers unions of CUT in Brazil (in São Paulo, São Bernardo do Campo, Sorocaba, São José dos Campos, Belo Horizonte/Contagem, Manaus, 2001, 2002.
„Das Modell Contract Manufacturing und seine gewerkschaftspolitischen Implikationen“, Siemens-Projekt and Arbeitskreis Telekommunikation, IG Metall, 10/2001.
"Transnationale Kontraktfertigung im informationstechnischen Industrisektro. Arbeitspolitische Implikationen eines neuen Modells industrieller Fertigung in den USA und Europa", Sektionssitzung Wirtschalfts- und Industriesoziologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie: Zwischenbericht zum Forschungsprojekt, 06/2001.