Leticia Inés Sabsay
The Open University
Faculty of Social Sciences
Research Associate OECUMENE
desiguALdades.net: Postdoctoral Researcher (15/10/2010 - 15/04/2011)
MK7 6AA Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
Office hours
Academic Career
since 10/2010 | Postdoctoral Fellow Researcher at desiguALdades.net |
10/2006 - 01/2009 | PhD in Gender Studies, University of Valencia (UV), Spain |
01/2004 - 09/2006 | DEA –Equivalent MPhil- in Gender Studies, University of Valencia (UV) |
03/2001-present | Faculty Fellow Researcher at the Gino Germani Research Institute, School of Social Sciences, University of Buenos Aires (IIGG, UBA) |
10/1993- 07/1999 | Graduate and Postgraduate Research Fellowship Holder, Science &Technology Research Programme UBACyT, University of Buenos Aires (UBA) |
09/1988-10/1995 | First Degree in Sociology, with honours. University of Buenos Aires, School of Social Sciences |
Teaching Experience
Autumn Term 2009 | Sociology of Education Ma Course, University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain) |
Autumn Term 2009 | Sociology of Education Undergraduate Course, University of Castilla-La Mancha |
Nov. 2009 | Feminist Theories and their Contribution to Equality Postgraduate seminar, University of Castilla-La Mancha |
Spring Term 2009 | Performativity, Gender and Social Theory: The Revision of the Subject PhD Course, University of Buenos Aires (Argentina) |
Spring Term 2009 | The Politics of Representation: Sexuality, Gender and Visual Culture Ma Course, University of Buenos Aires |
Dec. 2000 | The Productivity of Gender Studies for Social Research and Education, National University of Entre Ríos (Argentina) |
1996-2001 | Assistant Professor of Communications, University of Buenos Aires |
1995-1996 | Lecturer of Communications, University of Buenos Aires |
1992-1995 | Teaching Assistant of Communications, University of Buenos Aires |
1993 | Teaching Assistant of Political Science, University of Buenos Aires |
1990-1993 | Teaching Assistant of Sociological Theory, University of Buenos Aires |
Trans-nationalism and the Democratization of Citizenship: Contemporary Struggles Over Sexual Rights in Argentina
This research investigates the impact of current sexual transnational politics on the contemporary reconfiguration of democracy, citizenship and national identity rhetoric in the context of the democratic turn in Argentina, which gained particular attention after the 2001 fiscal crisis. To consider this issue, I analyse Argentina's recent legislation and relevant public discourses (including key controversies that assumed significant proportions in the media) with regard to the area of sexual rights and intimate citizenship. This research bears on the question of gender and sexual equity in its intersection with the formation of new democratic political subjects. This project develops further the work carried out for my PhD thesis, which investigated the articulation of the performative theory of gender and subject formation with the regulation of sex work and sexual minorities politics in post-dictatorial Buenos Aires. Hence, by pursuing this research further, I aim to develop my own extensive and more fully inter-disciplinary specialization in the field of gender, sexuality and citizenship, as well as to gain a more internationally informed knowledge about how this conjunction of sexuality and citizenship operates within and across national frames. In this way, the research seeks to provide a thorough critical perspective useful for those working in socio-legal and policy fields, feminist scholars and social scientists in general within a post-national framework.
Sabsay, L. (2009) Las normas del deseo. Imaginario sexual y comunicación. Madrid: Cátedra, 151 pp.
Sabsay, L. (2007) Los dilemas del antiescencialismo en la teoría feminista contemporánea: una reflexión en torno a Judith Butler. Almería: Instituto de Estudios Almerienses, 101 pp.
Journal Articles (Selected)
Sabsay, L. (2010) “¿En los umbrales del género? Beauvoir, Butler y las derivas del feminismo ilustrado”, Revista Feminismo/s 15, pp. 1-17.
Sabsay, L. (2009) “Tras la firma de Judith Butler. Una introducción posible a los ecos de su escritural”, AIBR Revista de Antropología Iberoamericana Vol. 4:3, pp. 311-320.
Sabsay, L. (2009) “El retorno del sujeto entre el giro antiesencialista y el paradigma liberal”, Boletín Hispano-Helvético 13-14, SSEH (Société Suisse d'Études Hispaniques), 21 pp.
Sabsay, L. (2006) “Performances Trans: Usos del cuerpo, identidad y representación”, Revista Question 12, pp 1-11.
Sabsay, L. (2006) “La configuración de identidades como posiciones de sujeto”, Escritoras & Escrituras, Revista Internacional de Culturas y Literaturas 5, pp 1-8.
Book Chapters (Selected)
Sabsay, L. (2009) “Por los rumbos de la economía visual: identidades, cuerpos y estéticas”, in Devalle, V. & Arfuch, L. (Eds.), Visualidades sin fin. La imagen en la era de la globalización. Buenos Aires: Prometeo Libros, pp 75-104.
Sabsay, L. (2008) "Deseo y discurso en el sujeto (feminista) de la performatividad”, in Catanzaro, G. & Arfuch, L. (Eds), Pretérito Imperfecto. Lecturas críticas del acontecer. Buenos Aires: Prometeo Libros, pp 187-217.
Sabsay, L. (2007) “Cine, performatividad y sujetos contemporáneos”, in Gómez Tarín, F. (Ed), Metodologías de análisis del film. Madrid: Edipo, pp 205-14.
Sabsay, L. (2007) “La voz del cuerpo entre la materialidad y la significación”, in AAVV, Obertures del cos / Aberturas del Cuerpo. Valencia: Valencia UP, pp 42-49.
Sabsay, L. (2002) “Representaciones culturales de la ‘diferencia sexual’: figuraciones contemporáneas”, in Arfuch, L. (Ed.), Identidades, sujetos, subjetividades. Buenos Aires: Prometeo Libros, pp 149-164.
Papers at conferences, published in proceedings (Selected)
Sabsay, L. (2009) “Prostitución, normativa de género y ciudadanía: las derivas de la legislación porteña”, in Actas del VII Congreso Internacional “Globalización, Género y Derechos Humanos”. Buenos Aires: ASAEC, pp. 1-8.
Sabsay, L. (2008) “Sujetos del género: postestructuralismo y psicoanálisis en Judith Butler”, in Actas del Congreso “Identidad de género vs Identidad sexual”. Valencia: Univ. Jaume I & Isonomía, pp. 291-297.
Sabsay, L. (2007) “Subjetividad, diferencia y performatividad en el pensamiento de Judith Butler”, in Actas del Congreso Internacional “Transformaciones culturales. Debates de la teoría, la crítica y la lingüística”. Buenos Aires: University of Buenos Aires Press, pp. 1-13.
Sabsay, L. (2006) “Sujetos sexuales y género: lenguaje y políticas de lo performativo”, in Actas del Congreso “Mujeres Jóvenes: ¿Nuevos feminismos?” Valencia: Universitat Jaume I Press /Fundación Isonomía, pp. 289-94.
Books (To be published)
Sabsay, L. (forthcoming 2011) Negociando las fronteras del sexo. Espacio urbano, ciudadanía y democracia en tiempos queer. Buenos Aires: Paidós.
Co-authored books (To be published)
Soley-Beltran, P. and Sabsay, L. (Eds.) (2011, in preparation) El pensamiento de Judith Butler en el Estado Español. Barcelona: Bellaterra.
Articles in refereed international journals (To be published)
Sabsay, L. (forthcoming 2011) “The Limits of Democracy: Transgender Sex Work and Citizenship”, Cultural Studies, Special Issue edited by Prof. Angela McRobbie. London/NewYork: Routledge.