Ramiro Segura
Instituto de Altos Estudios Sociales (IDAES)
desiguALdades.net: Postdoctoral Researcher (01/11/2012 - 31/07/2013)
1017 Buenos Aires, Argentina
Academic Career
2011 | Selected to enter as a Research Assistant. Researcher Career of CONICET (National Council of Scientific and Technical Research). |
2010 | Doctor of Social Sciences, National University of General Sarmiento - Institute of Economic and Social Development, Argentina. |
2006-2007 | Doctoral Research Fellow. National University of San Martín |
2000-2006 | Doctoral Research Fellow. National University of La Plata |
1999 | BA in Anthropology, University of La Plata, Argentina. |
Teaching Experience
Since June 2011 | Assistant Professor. Social Anthropology. National University of La Plata. |
Since March 2011 | Assistant Professor. Urban Anthropology. Institute of Social Studies (IDAES). Universidad Nacional de San Martin. |
2010 | Teaching Assistant. Urban Anthropology. Institute of Social Studies (IDAES). National University of San Martin. |
2006-2010 | Teaching Assistant. Communication and Theories. National University of La Plata |
2000-2011 | Teaching Assistant. Social Anthropology. National University of La Plata. |
Connections, entanglement and socio-spatial configurations in the (re) production of inequalities in Latin American cities (1975-2010)
The objective of this research is to analyze the ways in which transnational connections are articulated, entanglement of scales and socio-spatial configurations in the processes of production and reproduction of inequality in Latin American cities since the mid 1970's to present, from analysis of available research on the subject in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico.
We believe that the city is an ideal place to reflect on the theoretical debates on global entanglements and social inequalities. The starting point is to recognize the city as an open system node in a network of flows and connections of multiple scales and variables that impact on the "socio-spatial configuration" of cities, (re) produce inequalities. The city as a setting where actors are intertwined, processes and different scales, and the city as the product of these entanglements that are changing dramatically in many cases, the extent, composition and dynamics of urban space transformations referred with terms as diverse as duality, fragmentation, segregation, marginalization and even exclusion.
In the specific case of Latin America since the mid 1970's certainly contradictory and ambivalent processes such as globalization, neoliberalism and democratization, each with its own temporalities and significant changes in each country, are changing both the place of Cities in society and socio-spatial configurations of each of the cities. Moreover, in this context the cities gained new prominence, often through alliances between local governments, transnational corporations, supranational agencies and sectors of civil society, among other agents, develop various strategies to attract investment, global flows and locally set strengthen its position in the market for urban powers. What kind of transnational connections have been developed in Latin American cities in recent decades? Who have been and are their agents? And what kind of impact they have had in the cities, in their configurations and urban social relations?
- María Carman; Neiva Vieira; Segura, Ramiro (orgs.). City, culture and urban segregation processes. Quito: Programa Editorial de la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (PEF) (in press).
- Grimson, Alejandro; Ferraudi Curto, Cecilia; Segura, Ramiro (comp.) Political life in the poor neighborhoods of Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires: Prometeo, 2009
Book Chapters:
- Carman, María; Veira, Neiva; y Segura, Ramiro "Anthropology, difference and urban segregation" in City, Culture and urban segregation processes. María Carman, Neiva Vieira y Ramiro Segura (orgs.). Programa Editorial de la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (PEF). Ecuador (in press).
- Segura, Ramiro "Living outside. Common experiences, differential temporalities and neighborhood limits on the outskirts of the city of La Plata (Argentina) ", in Makers of Cities 4. Caracas. Habitat Working People and Social Inclusion. CLACSO (in press)
- Caggiano, Sergio; Segura, Ramiro "Otherness urban Buenos Aires: Migration, borders and travel in the city"en Anne Huffschmid y Kathrin Wildner (Org.) Lo urbano. Positionen aktueller Stadtforschung aus Lateinamerika (en preparación, Berlin 2012).
- Segura, Ramiro "If you come to the villa, crazy, go another way. Social distance, spatial boundaries and effects of place in a segregated neighborhood of Greater Buenos Aires”, in Grimson, Alejandro; Ferraudi Curto, Cecilia; Segura, Ramiro (comp.) Political life in the poor neighborhoods of Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires: Prometeo, 2009.
- Segura, Ramiro. "The others in the urban space. Fear and construction of "other dangerous" in urban space”, in: Center for Anthropological Studies in Urban Contexts (CEACU) (ed.). Living in the city. Urban areas in dispute. Pp. 117-124. ISBN: 987-9459-81-4. Rosario: Laborde Editor, 2005.
Journal articles:
- Segura, Ramiro "The relational plot the periphery of the city of La Plata. Established-outsider figuration revisited ", in Revista Publicar en Antropología y Ciencias Sociales. Nº X. Buenos Aires: Colegio de Graduados en Antropología Social (in press).
- Segura, Ramiro; Ferrety, Emanuel. “The body and the city. Public space, urban boundaries and bodily practices”, in Revista de Educación Física & Ciencia. Dossier del 9° Congreso Argentino y 4°Latinoamericano de Educación Física y Ciencias. La Plata: Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata (en press).
- Carman, María; Segura, Ramiro; Soldano, Daniela. “Towards a cultural management of common spaces”, in Papeles de Trabajo. Buenos Aires: IDAES/UNSAM (in press).
- Segura, Ramiro. “Book Review. CHAVES, Mariana (2010) Young, territories and complicity. An anthropology of urban youth. Buenos Aires, Espacio Editorial”, in Journal of Youth Studies. Taylor & Francis. Filadelfia, USA. (in press)
- Segura, Ramiro. "The future of (the studies) the city", in El Café de las Ciudades. Número especial 100 textos nuevos, 100 autores, 100 notas de café de las ciudades, 100 datos sobre la ciudad futura.
- Segura, Ramiro. "The city, memory and forgetting. About Conflicting Topographies: Memories, spaces and cities in dispute”. Núcleo de Estudios sobre la Memoria. Instituto de Desarrollo Económico y Social. Mayo de 2012.
- Segura, Ramiro “Reseña: "Review: KESSLER, Gabriel. 2009. The feeling of insecurity. Sociology of fear of crime. Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI Editores”, in Cuadernos de Antropología Social. N° 32. Diciembre de 2010. pp. 223-227. ISSN: 0327-3776 (print) y 1850-275X (on line version). Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Universidad de Buenos Aires.
- Segura, Ramiro "Cartographies dissenting. The city of La Plata seen and experienced from the periphery ", in: Revista Periferia. Vol. 2, N° 1. ISSN: 1984-9540. Universidad Estadual de Río de Janeiro (UERJ), Brasil.
- Ceirano, Virginia; Sarmiento, Julio; Segura, Ramiro "Situational prevention and social crime prevention in security policies. The case of Community Safety Forums in the province of Buenos Aires”, in: Revista Segurança Urbana y Juventude. Araraquara, v.3, n.1, 2010. ISSN: 1984-5103. Universidad Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Brasil.
- Segura, Ramiro "The persistence of the form (and omissions). A study of urban space in La Plata through their similar cities ", in: Cuadernos de Antropología Social. N° 30. Diciembre de 2009. pp. 173-197. ISSN: 0327-3776 (print) y 1850-275X (on line version). Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Universidad de Buenos Aires.
- Segura, Ramiro "Landscapes of fear in the city. Fear and citizenship in the urban area of the city of La Plata ", in: CUADERNO URBANO. Espacio, cultura, sociedad. Nº 8. Noviembre de 2009. pp. 59-76. ISSN: 1666-6186. Universidad Nacional del Noreste (UNNE).
- Segura, Ramiro "Overcoming dualisms: identification, process, whole practice. Raymond Williams, a selective tradition ", in: Prácticas de Oficio. Investigación y reflexión en Ciencias Sociales, Nº 3, Diciembre de 2008. ISSN: 1851-6076. Programa de Posgrado en Ciencias Sociales. Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento – Instituto de Desarrollo Económico y Social.
- Segura, Ramiro “Writing, authorship and cultural interpretation in the social sciences. About After the events, of Clifford Geertz”, in: Revista Question, Nº 17, Junio de 2008. ISSN: 1669-6581. Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Social, UNLP.
- Sarmiento, Julio; Tello, Claudia; Segura, Ramiro. "Citizenship, civil society and participation in public policy. The experience of Neighborhood Safety Forum in the Municipality of La Plata”, in: Revista Katálysis. Vol. 10, Nº 2, pp. 187-196. 2007. ISSN 1414-4980. Florianópolis, Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina.
- Segura, Ramiro. “Otherness, reading, culture. Reflections on the reading from The Cheese and the Worms by Carlo Ginzburg”, in: Revista Question, Nº 14, Junio de 2007. ISSN: 1669-6581. Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Social, UNLP.
- Segura, Ramiro. "Territories of fear in urban space in the city of La Plata: effects and ambivalence", in: Revista Question, Nº 12, Diciembre de 2006. ISSN: 1669-6581. Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Social, UNLP.
- Segura, Ramiro. “The experience of urban segregation. Methods of representation of space and territoriality of social practices in a segregated neighborhood of José L. Suarez”, in Revista Escenarios. Año 6, Nº 11, Noviembre de 2006. pp. 110-119. ISSN: 1666-3942. Facultad de Trabajo Social, UNLP. Editorial Espacio.
- Segura, Ramiro. “Innovation, business and creative destruction. A reading of Schumpeter as a theorist of modernity”, in: Documentos de Trabajo del Littec, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento. 2006. Available online at: www.littec.ungs.edu.ar
- Segura, Ramiro. "Residential segregation, residential mobility and urban boundaries. An ethnographic approach”, in Cuadernos del IDES Nº 9. Julio 2006. ISSN: 1668-1053. Available online at: www.ides.org.ar
- Segura, Ramiro. “Public Space and Identity: an exercise as possible”, in Revista Escenarios. Año 5. Nº 9. pp. 135-144. ISSN: 1666-3942. 2005. Escuela Superior de Trabajo Social, UNLP. Editorial Espacio.
- Segura, Ramiro. "Social representations of the city of La Plata: common sense and ideology", in Revista Escenarios. Año 4, N° 9 y 10. Edición Digital. ISSN: 1668-1975. 2004. Escuela Superior de Trabajo Social, UNLP.
- Segura, Ramiro. "Construction of urban space in the city of La Plata. Representations, places, practices”, in Documentos de Trabajo, serie Avances de Investigación Nº 2. Escuela Superior de Trabajo Social, UNLP. Julio de 2003.
- X Argentine Congress on Social Anthropology. Paper presented: "Socio-spatial Topographies: live, and play symbolize the city." Faculty of Arts, UBA. November 29 to December 2, 2011.
- International Seminar on "Urban Infrastructure in Latin America. And construction management services and public works”. Paper presented: "The folds of the urban experience: segregation and urban practices in the city of La Plata." FLACSO Ecuador and State Bank, Quito. 6 and 7 October 2011.
- "Makers of cities." II Meeting and Second Congress of the Working Group "Habitat People and Social Inclusion" CLACSO. Coordinator and Lecturer. Paper presented: "To live without: experience, time limits and in the periphery." Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas. 27 to 29 July 2011.
- IX Anthropological Meeting of Mercosur (RAM). Coordinator and Lecturer. Paper presented: "The city invested. Anthropological analysis of urban segregation in the outskirts of the city of La Plata. " Federal University of Parana, Curitiba, Brazil. 10 to 13 July 2011.
- I International Symposium of Qualitative Research. Qualitative research. Achievements, prospects, problems and challenges: towards an institutional proposal. Exhibitor. Paper presented: "Ethics, political commitment and knowledge production" (co-authored with Chaves, M. et. Al). CEIL Piette, CONICET. Buenos Aires, 9 and 10 June 2011.
- Cultural Policy and Inequality. Unequal Democracy Program and the Heinrich Boell Foundation. Paper presented: "Driving to transform the urban city." Institute of Social Studies, UNSAM. May 6, 2011.
- VI Conference of Sociology, National University of La Plata "Debates and perspectives on Argentina and Latin America as part of the Bicentennial. Reflections from the social sciences”. Speaker and commentator. Paper presented: "The relational frame the urban periphery. Figuration established and outsiders revisited". Faculty of Humanities, National University of La Plata. 9 and 10 December 2010.
- Conference "Naturalization and Legitimation of inequality in Argentina today". Paper presented: "Social and symbolic boundaries in the relational frame the urban periphery. Figuration established and outsiders revisited”. Institute of Social Studies, National University of San Martin. 19 and 20 October 2010.
- VII Conference on Research and University Extension Conference VI "University, Inclusion and Citizenship: contributions to thinking about public policy”. Paper presented: "Discourses and social practices around the voltage security and human rights in the Province of Buenos Aires" (co-authored with Julio Sarmiento, Virginia Ceirano, Marcela Adriana Cuenca and Trincheri). National University of La Plata. 14 and 15 October 2010.
- International Conference "Topographies conflict: Memory, Spaces and Cities in dispute". Paper presented: "The urban maps as interpretive problem. Map, experience and perspective in the social representations of urban space". Institute of Economic and Social Development (IDES), Buenos Aires. 15 and April 16, 2010.
- X National Congress of Sociology of Law. Paper presented: "Community involvement in crime prevention policies. The case of Community Safety Forums in the province of Buenos Aires "(co-authored with Virginia Ceirano and Julio Sarmiento). Córdoba. 12 to 14 November 2009.
- VIII Anthropological Meeting of Mercosur. Paper presented: "Cartographies dissenting. The city seen and experienced from the periphery". Buenos Aires. September 29 to October 2, 2009.
- Workshop "Social movements, public sphere and new configurations of law in Latin America”. Paper presented: "Gaps (class) in the city. Analysis of social and symbolic boundaries in public spaces of the city from a social drama". Freie Universität Berlin, Lateinamerika-Institut (LAI), Berlin, Germany. 25 and September 26, 2009.
- XXVII Congress of the Latin American Sociology Association (ALAS). Paper presented: "The situational prevention and social crime prevention in security policies. The case of Community Safety Forums in the province of Buenos Aires "(co-authored with Virginia Ceirano and Julio Sarmiento). University of Buenos Aires. August 2009.
- V Conference of Sociology, National University of La Plata. Paper presented: "The novel as anthropology. The lighting of a novel about the city. " National University of La Plata. 10 to 12 December 2008.
- II Latin American Forum "Scenarios of social life, social work and social sciences in the twenty-first century”. Paper presented: "Dilemmas of community participation in security policies. Fear and citizenship in the urban space”. National University of La Plata. 28 to 30 August 2008.
- IX Argentine Congress of Social Anthropology (CAAS). Paper presented: "The persistence of the form (and omissions). A study of urban space in La Plata through their similar cities". National University of Misiones. 5 to 8 August 2008.
- Second Congress of Latin American Anthropology Association (ALA). Paper presented: "social distances, limits and effects of spatial location. Ethnographic analysis of a segregated neighborhood of Greater Buenos Aires”. Costa Rica. 28 to 31 July 2008.
- Eighth National Congress of Sociology of Law "Law, democracy and society”. Paper presented: "Social representations of security / insecurity. Results of an investigation "(co-authored with Julio Sarmiento, Virginia Ceirano, Marcela Adriana Cuenca and Trincheri). Faculty of Law and Social Sciences. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. 22, 23 and 24 November 2007.
- VII Anthropological Meeting of MERCOSUR (RAM). Paper presented: "The folds of the urban experience. Separation operations and operations of conjunction. " Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre (Brazil). 23 to 26 July 2007.
- International Forum "Security Community Participation." Buenos Aires, Ministry of Security of the province of Buenos Aires. 20 and 21 July 2007.
- VIII Argentine Congress of Social Anthropology (CAAS). Paper presented: "Surveying Space and territoriality of social practices in a segregated neighborhood in Greater Buenos Aires". National University of Salta (UNSA). 19 to 22 September 2006.
- VI Conference on Research in Social Work. Paper presented: "Citizenship, civil society and participation in public policy. The case of the Neighborhood Safety Forum in the Municipality of La Plata "(co-authored with Virginia Ceirano, Julio Sarmiento, Claudia Tello and Adriana Caballero). UNLP. 14 and September 15, 2006.
- III Conference on Research. Research in Social Work at the Latin American context. Paper presented: "Social representations about security, insecurity and violence" (co-authored with Virginia Ceirano, Adriana Cuenca, Mariana Elena Chaves and Bergé). National University of Entre Rios. 17 to 19 November 2005.
- VI RAM (Anthropological Meeting of Mercosur). Paper presented: "The localization of the fears in the urban space." Montevideo, Universidad de la República (Uruguay). 16 to 18 November 2005.
- Ethnographic Research Colloquium "Territoriality and political." Paper presented: "Urban segregation in a neighborhood of San Martín party. The Cárcova: between isolation and mobility”. Ethnographic Research Centre, National University of San Martin. September 23, 2005.
- First Latin American Congress of Anthropology. Paper presented: "Fears in the city. Spaces, times and figures of fear. " Faculty of Humanities and Arts, National University of Rosario. 11 to 15 July 2005.
- IV Conference "Living in the city”. Paper presented: "The others in the urban space. Fear and other dangerous building in the urban space”. National University of Rosario. May 13, 2005.
- IV Annual Meeting of investigation "territorial matrix and socio-political analysis." Paper presented: "Urban policy and social attitudes in the city of La Plata. Reflections on the production of place”. National University of General Sarmiento. November 23, 2004.
- II National Congress of Sociology. Paper presented: "The city from afar. Social representations about the city of residents of gated communities "(coauthored with Carla del Cueto). UBA. 20 to 23 October 2004.
- VII Congress of the Latin American Association of Communication Researchers (ALAIC). Paper presented: "Commemorations, fairs and protests. Urban cultural fronts in the city of La Plata. " School of Journalism and Social Communication, UNLP. 11 to 16 October 2004.
- VIII National Conference of Communication Researchers. Paper presented: "The production of the territory. Urban space and identity. " National University of La Plata. 16 to 18 September 2004.
- II Conference on Research in Social Anthropology. Paper presented: "The City in the media and fears in the city." Faculty of Arts, UBA. 5 and 6 August 2004.
- VII Argentine Congress on Social Anthropology. Paper presented: "Analysis of an urban ritual: commemoration of the founding of the city of La Plata." Villa Giardino, Córdoba. 25 to 28 May 2004.
- Third Conference "Living in the city." Paper presented: "The 'cultural turn' in urban policy and its effects: nomination, finishing, invisibility”. National University of Rosario. December 5, 2003.
- VII National Conference on Communication Researchers. Paper presented: "The city as a metaphor for culture. Potentials and limitations”. National University of Comahue. 13 to 15 November 2003.
- Rosario's Sixth Conference of Social Anthropology. Paper presented: "The urban space and the question of identity." National University of Rosario. 23 and 24 October 2003.
- First Conference on Social Representations. Research and practice. Paper presented: "Social representations of the city of La Plata. Common sense and hegemony”. University of Buenos Aires. 17 and 18 October 2003.
- First Conference of Young Researchers in Social Anthropology. Paper presented: "Representations, places, practices. About the social construction of urban space in the city of La Plata". Faculty of Arts. UBA. 2 and 3 October 2003.
- XI Conference of Young Researchers AUGM. First Meeting of Young Researchers of the UNLP. Paper presented: "Symbolize space. Reflections on the social construction of urban space in the city of La Plata”. National University of La Plata. September 11, 2003.
- International Conference "Latin America: Identity, integration and globalization." Paper presented: "Building symbolic of the city: the global and local, common sense and hegemony". Center for Advanced Studies, National University of Cordoba. 10, 11 and 12 July 2003.
- IV Conference on Research in Social Work. Paper presented: "Urban space and social inequality". School of Social Work, UNLP. 7 and 8 November 2002.
- VI National Conference of Communication Researchers. Paper presented: "The town lacking. Patrimonial and urban invisibility". National University of Cordoba. 17 to 19 October 2002.
- First Conference University / Community. Paper presented: "Social representations and urban space". UNLP. August 26 to September 6, 2002.
- IV RAM (Aanthropological Meeting of Mercosur). Paper presented: "From place to space. Representations and practices around the cultural heritage of the city of La Plata”. Federal University of Parana, Curitiba (Brazil). 11 to 14 November 2001.
- XXIII Congress of the Latin American Sociology Association (ALAS). Paper presented: "Heritage and public space in the city of La Plata: references and landscapes". Guatemala. October 29 to November 2, 2001.
- Second Conference on Intangible Heritage "The Intangible Heritage site in policy and management culture”. Paper presented: "Heritage and City. Notes for a distortion of the estate”. Legislature of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. 2 and 3 October 2001.
- III National Conference: Teaching through the city and the museum. Paper presented: "Anthropological Approaches to the City" (co-authored with Mariana Chaves). National University of Mar del Plata. 26 to 28 October 2000.
- VI Argentine Congress of Social Anthropology. Paper presented: "Politics built heritage and a tradition in the city of La Plata". National University of Mar del Plata. 14 to 17 September 2000.
- Third Conference on Research. Paper presented: "An approach to the study of the social construction of heritage in the city of La Plata". School of Social Work, UNLP. 24 and August 25, 2000.